Learn more about our Lambada Study Groups

and get your tickets!

This January we’re offering an opportunity to dive into Lambada. Brazilian zouk came from lambada, and the two dances continue to influence each other a lot today. The energy and musicality of lambada is joyful and infectious. Understanding it will help build your awareness of timing, adaptability, and possibilities in your dancing, both for Brazilian zouk and lambada.

In these 4-week study groups with Ashley Kent & Kuna Malik Hamad, we’ll work on building more comfort and confidence in dancing lambada. We’re offering two different levels, each with a different focus. Each week also includes a 30-minute practica so you can get in more practice with this dance. 

Wednesdays - January 8-29 @ DanceSport Dupont Circle

Lambada 1 Study Group (Foundations)


In this study group, we’ll review and explore the fundamentals of lambada, including basic steps, timing, soltinho, double turns, chicote and boneca. You’ll be able to dance the most characteristic lambada movements and see how to adapt what you know from Brazilian zouk into lambada. Our study group format will emphasize ways to combine the fundamentals and give you time to practice them together. If you’re interested in continuing on, this study group will help get you ready for our Lambada 2 series in February/March.



Lambada Games & Variations Study Group (Intermediate/Advanced - Invite Only)


For those with more lambada and zouk experience, this study group will focus on variations of piao and boneca with head movements. These structures are a core part of this dance and there’s a lot you can do with each one. As with most things in lambada, anything we can do on one side we can also do on the other, and we’ll train everything in both directions.



The Lambada 1 Study Group is for students who are comfortable with zouk basics including viradinha, lateral, soltinho and bonus. Ideally students should have some experience with lambada either from one of our lambada series or from workshops.

The Lambada Games & Variations Study Group is for dancers who are comfortable with lambada foundations, including piao, boneca, double turns and chicote, and who are comfortable with leading or following circular head movements.


DanceSport Dupont Circle

2201 P St. NW (GPS 1520 22nd St. NW)

The Church of the Pilgrims Fellowship Hall

(Entrance from the south side via stairs going down)

Washington DC 20037


- $110 for the 4-week series (one study group)

- $200 for the 4-week series (two study groups)

- Lambada Study Group members have free entry to the Monday Practicas in January.

Click here and get your tickets!