Brazilian Zouk Training Lab
Enjoy a different way of learning Brazilian Zouk Online. Build your knowledge through self-exploration and experimentation, guided by our instructors.
During the year 2020, the Brazilian Zouk community has offered numerous online courses with all kinds of topics and styles. District Zouk itself offered a variety of different kinds of online training, with solo work, musicality, mindset, history, and more.
In this course with Gui Prada and Hermela Alemayehu, we want to do something different. We invite you to learn by experimentation, trial, error, discussion, and feedback, instead of our classic follow-along format. Our goal is to help you acquire knowledge from your self-investigation based on guidelines we’ll provide each unit.
Each Unit has a "challenge" where we propose an exercise, a drill, a way of building your dancing, or a sequence for you to work on.
In our hour-long training sessions work together on the Unit's challenge. We review and practice it, providing additional information, technique and suggestions for training.
This Training Lab will be a better experience with a partner since the challenges relate to partnerwork.
There is great value from learning through self-discovery. By joining this course, you’ll be challenged to develop your creative side through the challenges we propose.
In the progression of learning, the creation step is the highest one -- when you can create new things building on the knowledge acquired previously.
We've designed this course to stimulate you to create movements in Brazilian Zouk and develop your dance from the knowledge you already have of the fundamentals and other patterns.
In order to get the most out of this course, we recommend you have at least 6 months of experience with Brazilian Zouk and are familiar with all of the fundamentals, such as:
Basics - in place, linear (Passso Básico) and side
Simple Turn and Viradinha
Body Movements (Sideways and Forward Undulations)
Lunge (Preparation for Turns)
Cuddle and Lateral Opening
Traveling Turns and Soltinho
Yo-yo and Direction Changes
Each week we'll present a new challenge. The challenges will be related to the four main groups of knowledge in Brazilian Zouk:
Footwork and floorcraft
Use of Vocabulary
Just sign up to our taster and check out some of our lessons.