Zouk-a-holic Membership
This is the membership for those who want to go deeper into learnin Brazilian Zouk at home. With new content being added every month and live Q&As you can keep yourself training and updated.
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
All Courses
Catch the recordings of our Q&As and don't miss out on anything.
All Courses, Intermediate/Advanced
In this course Alisson & Monica break down variations of Fundamental moves for Brazilian Zouk. These are some of their favorites to groove with the dance floor. Every lesson contains a good amount of revision of concepts, techniques, and variations.
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One of the most comprehensive professional development courses for those who want to teach and build a Brazilian Zouk dance community.
All Courses
All Courses
Get access and enjoy our monthly online workshops, exclusive to our Zouk-a-holic members. Each month we get a new topic and study it together with our Instructors and the students participating live.
All Courses
Welcome to DZ Online Quick Tips! Quick and painless tips to help you continue with study and challenge your skills!